The Complete Law of Attraction Masterclass

  • Clear Step-by-Step Guidance

    Attain a thorough understanding of the Law of Attraction principles and how to apply them powerfully to your advantage. The knowledge you will acquire goes far deeper than the free advice you find on the internet. These are proven methods, not armchair speculations! The practical techniques you will learn in this Law of Attraction course are easy, safe, and proven effective.

  • Convenient & Private

    You have unlimited access to your Law of Attraction masterclass for one year to learn at your preferred time at any place you like. Most of our clients who sincerely and purposefully practice the suggested methods already start seeing profound positive results within a few weeks. This masterclass offers a solid foundation in real-world.

  • Downloads & Resources

    The Law of Attraction masterclass includes theory, videos, audio, worksheets, mind training, guided visualizations, meditations, affirmations, shortcuts, and links to additional resources. This course and its add-ons are a one-stop solution to live a life you're proud of.

Learn, understand, and manifest. 

Most people are born, grow up, struggle, and live in misery and failure. They don't realize it would be just as easy to switch over and get exactly what they want out of life. They don't recognize that their mind attracts the thing it dwells upon.

Successfully manifest what you want with authentic and reliable methods as taught in this innovative one-stop solution Law of Attraction online course. 

After you learn the true power of thought you can work wonders.

You are in charge. 

You are not at the mercy of events. Regardless of your position, status, circumstances, or physical condition, you control your personal life experience.  

When you see that thought is a force — a manifestation of energy — having a magnet-like power of attraction, you will begin to understand the why of many things that have so far seemed hidden to you.

You are and should be the only one writing the book of your life, as you go. No one else should. You will no longer be subject to the suggestions and influences of others but you will become a master of yourself.

It's not for everybody. 

Most people don’t believe in theory or thought concepts if the results are not immediately visible. They are simply not willing to invest time and focus on something that can not yet be seen. The Law of Attraction principles sounds like a foreign language to them. So they don’t even give it a shot.

How about you?

What if by acknowledging and purposefully directing your power of thought toward your desires in certain ways, you could release much hardship and speed up the journey to your dreams fulfilled?

We can tell you this: No study will so well repay you for your time and trouble as the study of the workings of the mighty Law of Attraction.

From zero to hero. 

This Law of Attraction Masterclass is a reliable manual that will drastically empower you to be in charge of your life experience. It is perfectly suitable for beginners and advanced students alike. 

You create your own reality with your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions. Change them and your life changes. 

We will show you how.

This innovative Masterclass is for you if you want to know...

  • How to direct your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions to reliably manifest money, love, health, success, and more

  • How to successfully apply fool-proof manifestation techniques even if you are completely new to this

  • How to effectively avoid unconscious mistakes that so many people make during the manifesting process

  • How to stay calm and rock solid in an increasingly challenging world while others swim in an ocean of fear and confusion

  • How to claim your natural self and live proudly and joyfully independent, free, and without fear

  • Lessons

    Editorial Pages with Images, Graphics, Videos, Case Studies, and more

  • Exercises

    Short Daily Practical Body & Mind Exercises for Rapid Results

  • Workshop

    Playful Workshop Games for Successful Reprogramming of Your Mind

  • Audiobooks

    Downloadable Law of Attraction Audiobooks

  • Music

    Purposefully Crafted Spotify Playlists

  • Free Preview

    Free Preview Lessons

  • Tests


  • Books

    Links to highly recommended and carefully selected Law of Attraction Books

  • Merchandise

    Law of Attraction Merchandise Online Shop


Miguel Kirjon

Miguel Kirjon was born in Buga, Colombia to Finnish/German parents and raised in Cuba, Florida, and Germany. After earning his Master’s Degree in Design in Switzerland, he moved to Thailand 28 years ago and applied his creative skills as an entrepreneur to launch several distinctive ventures, and was a sought-after design & brand developer, and marketing adviser in the hospitality industry for many years.

His interest in the metaphysical world started in his early twenties, and since then, he has dedicated himself to a lifelong pursuit to manifest success and develop his life holistically. Participating in training programs, Law of Attraction coaching, and personal growth workshops worldwide for over 30 years (alongside his business career), became a passion.

In 2018 Miguel founded the AMAYEN Sanctuary in Thailand which offers luxury meditation, yoga as well as personal development retreats. In addition, he authored and created the Law of Attraction online masterclasses.

His life-long main mentors and influences were the German psychic Harald Wessbecher, the non-physical entity Seth (channeled through Jane Roberts,) the non-physical entity Abraham (channeled through Esther Hicks), and the quasi-physical entity Bashar (channeled through Darryl Anka).

It's not philosophy. It's basic physics.

Albert Einstein

"Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

Thoughts become things.

Bob Proctor

"Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand."

Powerful thoughts become reality.


"The whole existence is vibration, and so are thoughts. If you generate a powerful thought, it shall become a reality."

What you think you become.


"What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create."

If you believe you receive.


"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Be careful what you think about

Napoleon Hill

"Remember that your dominating thoughts attract, through a definite law of nature, by the shortest and most convenient route, their physical counterpart. Be careful what your thoughts dwell upon."

When you think you plan.

Abraham (channeled by Esther Hicks)

“Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you’re worrying, you are planning. When you’re appreciating, you are planning… What are you planning?”

Consciousness creates form.

Seth (channeled by Jane Roberts)

“Consciousness creates form. It is not the other way around. All personalities are not physical. It is only because you are so busily concerned with daily matters that you do not realize that there is a portion of you who knows that its own powers are far superior to those shown by the ordinary self.”

Let go and let in.

Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka)

"The true Secret of the Law of Attraction is not "how to learn to attract what you prefer", it's how to learn to let go of what you don't so that you can let in what is trying to get to you automatically."

Energy, frequency and vibration.

Nikola Tesla

"If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration."