Course Curriculum

  • 1

    CHAPTER 1: Introduction

  • 2

    CHAPTER 2: Important for you to Remember

    • The Relationship between You and Your Higher Self

    • Why You Were Born As You Were

    • Understanding the Benefits of Challenges in Your Life

    • QUIZ

    • Remembering that You are in Charge

    • The Importance of Expressing Your Talents

    • Your Body as an Instrument of Appreciation

    • The Unchangeable 5 Universal Laws

    • Your 7 Neutral Needs in order to Live

    • Your Clear Intentions of being an Uplifter

    • QUIZ

    • Your Life's Purpose Explained, once and for all

    • Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

    • The Powerful Invisible World Within You

    • QUIZ

  • 3

    CHAPTER 3: Law of Attraction Basics

  • 4

    CHAPTER 4: Manifestation Techniques for Rapid Results

    • The 7 Fundamental Steps of Manifestation

    • The Power of Your Imagination

    • Mastering the Visualization Technique for Reality Creation

    • Taking Action

    • QUIZ

    • You must Believe It before you can See It

    • Focus and the Neurological Wiring of Your Brain

    • Manifesting Shortcuts of the Twilight Zone

    • The Manifesting Power of Moon Cycles

    • The Essential Bond between Your Thoughts and Emotions

    • Momentum and its Snowball Effect

    • QUIZ

  • 5

    CHAPTER 5: Priming the Pump: Get Ready!

    • Selfishness: Oh, Yes!

    • What is Good for You is Good for Others

    • The Vibrational Difference between Wanting, Needing, and Having

    • Recognizing that You Always Have a Choice

    • You Can't get it Wrong

    • Benefits of the Prepaving Method

    • Your Misconception about what Others Are Doing To You

    • Judgement vs Appreciation

    • QUIZ

    • The Benefits of Mental Cleanliness and Choosing your Channel

    • The Downside of Living Life by Default

    • Under what Influence are You?

    • Your Typical Vibrational Day

    • Recommendations on How to Stay Positive

    • Breaking Old Habits and Opening Up to New Possibilities

    • The Energetic Difference between 'I Must' versus 'I Want'

    • Dream Lofty Dreams — Size Does Not Matter

    • Your Potential Startling Exhibition of Willpower

    • The Vibrational Waiting Room

    • The Formula

    • QUIZ

  • 6

    CHAPTER 6: Watch out for Quicksand & Pitfalls

    • Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

    • How long will it take?

    • Why it is Utterly Irrelevant what your Circumstances are

    • Your Hidden Beliefs and their Impact

    • QUIZ

    • Stupid Reacting versus Intelligent Responding

    • Common Excuses for Current Life Decisions

    • Meet Persistence, Your New Best Friend

    • The Resistance of the Typical Human Mind to Change

    • Staying Cool for Greater Success

    • QUIZ

    • The Misguided Habit of Preparing for Plan B

    • Essential Steps to Stop Doubts

    • How to Overcome Worry the Smart Way

    • Having Faith & Trust for Attracting Rapid Results

    • This Too Shall Pass

    • What you Want is not always what you Need

    • QUIZ

  • 7

    CHAPTER 7: Your Law of Attraction Workshop

    • "Who Am I" — Self-inquiry Question-and-Answer Game

    • "Wish List" — Vision Board, Book, Movie Game

    • "Draw & Burn" — Creation and Release Game

    • "Why?" — Behind the Scenes Game

    • "Movie Script" — Hollywood Director Game

    • "Appreciation" — High Flying Frequency Game

    • "New Story" — Rewriting History Game

    • "Circle of Change" Relationship Game

    • "Clarity" Cleaning Vibrations Game

  • 8

    CHAPTER 8: Money & Wealth

    • Basic Financial Wisdom

    • The 6 Forms of Abundance

    • It's Never about the Money

    • How much Money is too much?

    • The "Money Mindset" Game

    • The "Shop Window" Game

    • The "Millionaire Spy" Game

    • The "Wealth" Game

    • Bespoke Affirmation to Attract Money

    • The Gesture of Wealth Practice

    • Dig deeper with Recommended Money Books

    • Entertaining Money Movies

  • 9

    CHAPTER 9: Love & Relationships

    • What is Love?

    • Whoops..., now what?

    • First Come, First Served

    • Who is your Soulmate?

    • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

    • The One and Only?

    • The Effortless Approach

    • Inspirational Lover Movie Gallery

    • The "Invite Your Lover" Game

    • Entertaining Relationship Movies to pep up your Energy

  • 10

    CHAPTER 10: Health & Wellbeing

    • What is Health?

    • What is Illness?

    • Detrimental Effects of Labeling

    • The Roles of Doctors

    • You are a Placebo

    • Seasons of the Body

    • Universal Affiliation

    • The Effortless Way back to Health

    • What to Do when in Pain

    • Choose your Friends wisely

    • Become a Child again

    • Laugh your Way out

    • Healing in the Dream State

    • You'll never get sick if...

  • 11

    CHAPTER 11: Effortless Weight Loss

    • The Truth about Weight and Food

    • Does Food matter?

    • Never fight Food!

    • Mind over Matter

    • The Effortless Path to a Slim Body

  • 12

    CHAPTER 12: Dream Home

    • Where do you want to live?

    • What does your Way Home look like?

    • What's your favorite architectural Style?

    • What does your Living Room look like?

    • Which Bedroom style makes you Sleep Well?

    • Which Bathroom feels good?

    • What's your Garden like?

  • 13

    CHAPTER 13: Daily Essential Practices

    • Mindful Breathing for Improved Balance

    • Energizing Vibrations

    • The Power of Meditation

    • Using the Power of Creative Visualization

    • How to Create your Bespoke Affirmations

    • Appreciative Cosmic Prayer

    • The Benefits of Being Nice to Yourself

    • Morning Mirror Self-Love Moments

  • 14

    CHAPTER 14: The Magic Toolbox for Manifesting

    • Always Stay on Top with your Reminder Anchor

    • Selected Music for Feeling Good, Manifesting, and Affirmations

    • Dig Deeper with our Recommended Book List

    • Convenient Meditation Apps for iPhone and Android

    • State-of-the-art Sound Technology for Meditations

  • 15

    CHAPTER 15: Audiobooks - Relax & Listen

    • Audio Book: From Vibrations to Thoughts to Manifestations (130 minutes)

    • Audio Book: Ignorance to Wisdom and Lack to Plenty (390 minutes)

    • Audio Book: Your Incredible Mental Power (120 minutes)

    • Audio Book: Shaping your Destiny (100 minutes)

    • Audio Book: Time-tested Motivational Techniques (60 minutes)

    • Audio Book: The Picture in your Mind's Eye (240 minutes)

    • Audio Book: How to Turn the Secret Power to Work for You (590 minutes)

  • 16

    CHAPTER 16: Shortcuts (!)

    • Invaluable Shortcuts

  • 17

    CHAPTER 17: Your Breathtaking Beginning

    • Law of Attraction Masterclass Summary

    • One more thing before you go...